Development of South Park West is in its early stages. Over the past decade and a half, Snake River Fund has played an integral role in the ownership transfer process of this parcel from Bureau of Land Management to Teton County. Through much of that process, we have promoted a vision supported by so many in the community – a river-side park along the banks of the Snake with ample parking, greenspaces, group shelters, and ecologically friendly access to the river and adjacent wetlands. With a direct connection to the popular South Park Boat Ramp to the east, and a lack of passive, riverside spaces in our community, such a vision makes sense.
There has been discussion over the past few weeks of plans for South Park West that diverge drastically from the original community-shared river park concept. Teton County is now considering the possibility of installing two artificially turfed and lighted softball fields on this parcel. This vision runs counter to community desires and compromises years of consensus vision. Such development will encroach upon intended greenspace, limited access to the river and wetlands, increase travel time for athletes intending to use these fields, increase traffic south of town for commuters, and relegate the vast majority of South Park West to one-dimensional use.
As this process continues, the Snake River Fund and our supporters will urge Teton County to honor the work that has been done over the past decade by the community and various stakeholders to responsibly develop a riverside park. While softball fields have a place in Jackson Hole, that place should not be a part of South Park West.
To better understand the planning, decision making process, and community involvement over the past two-plus decades, please review this timeline –
Timeline for South Park Development: 1999-present
1999 – BLM initiates Snake River Resource Management Plan development process.
2004 – The BLM publishes the Recreation Project Plan for South Park. This plan includes widely lauded concepts for a passive park on South Park West seen below.
2008 – Snake River Corridor Management/Ownership Transfer Plan issued, identifying Parcel 26, including South Park West, as a Teton County boat ramp and riverside park. The purpose of this plan is to provide the Snake River Task Force with the information and tools to initiate the transfer of BLM parcels to other entities, and a framework for the long-term management of these parcels as an interconnected network of public lands along the Snake River.
Find the full Transfer Plan here.
2010 – SPET Tax approved for construction of South Park for public river use.
2015 – Construction of South Park Boat Ramp, including parking area and facilities, completed.
2017 – Reallocation of SPET funds used for pedestrian/vehicle underpass, directly linking South Park Boat Ramp and the proposed riverside park at South Park West
2022 – With no stakeholder communication or community input, Teton County Staff push for SPET a initiative which will use monies to develop South Park West with 85% of the available land occupied by artificial turf, lighting, and impermeable parking surfaces. Community outcry prompts Teton County Commissioners to pull this initiative from the SPET ballot.
2022 – Concept plans developed by Snake River Fund for the creation of a streamside park on remaining portion of BLM 26, to include parking, greenspaces, wetland paths, river access, amphitheater, and shelters.
2023 – Teton County Parks and Rec, once again, identifies South Park West as an acceptable place for synthetic turf softball fields. The concept (seen below) severs open space connectivity, presents traffic hazards, and relegates ~85% of the available public land to vehicle traffic and artificial turf. We must rally together to advocate for the responsible development of our river-side public lands.
The Snake River Fund is committed to upholding decades of work and community vision for South Park West. Please help us in advocating for a passive river-side park that honors the viewshed, protects available habitat, and realizes community needs.
The most impactful way to participate in this endeavor is by taking a moment to download and review the
South Park West Letter, adding your own personal connection to the land, the planning process, and any anecdotes that you feel are appropriate, and then sending it to our elected officials at:
If you have additional questions or concerns regarding South Park West development, please feel free to contact Snake River Fund at or 307-734-6773.
Our work to promote responsible access to the Snake River is only possible through your generosity. To support this on-going project, please consider making a tax-deducible donation to the Snake River Fund by